We have found that we overeat at least in part due to difficulties in life. Relationship difficulties are one of the hardest things to deal with in life and frustrations in this area can cause us to overeat due to stress. I found that I had added to my own problems in this area by saying things that made personal relationships more difficult. My mom used to say, "Julie, THINK before you speak!" It was very wise advice that I didn't know how to carry out, and quite frankly didn't see the need for. As I have gotten older (and hopefully a little wiser) I have found it very beneficial to keep practicing this ideal. Relationships are better when we hold our tongue. That doesn't mean we become doormats for people to walk all over us, but this acronym: "THINK" is very helpful.
T=True - is it true? Not just your meaning of truth, but substantiated truth?
H=Help - is it helpful? Just because something is true doesn't mean it's helpful and wise to say.
I=Important - decide what is important enough to discuss.
N=Necessary - very similar to important, only important things are really necessary.
K=kind - we need to build each other up and not tear each other down. Our kind words will hold more weight with others.
Using the THINK acronym philosophy can help us with our personal relationships. One less stressor to eat over!