Do you want to lose weight but you can't stop overeating? I understand - I've been there. I've lost 90 pounds and kept it off for over 16 years, but I struggled with overeating for many years. Tony, our clinical expert and coach has over 25 years of experience coaching and counseling and together we want to help you lose weight and keep it off.
We have a free workshop coming up on November 14 at 8 p. m. Eastern time and we'd love it if you would sign up at We're going to help you develop a meal plan. We will also work on a mind renewal process and help you to think better and healthier about yourself and about your food. A lot of the struggles that we face are because of the lies that we tell ourselves and can help you develop a plan for going forward. Hope you'll join us!
Sign up here: Weight Loss Workshop | Reshape And Recover